Have you seen our recent post about CBG? Sarah Sativa is excited to be releasing a new line of CBG products to our customers. Of course, there’s one obvious question about CBG if you’ve purchased CBD in the past: what’s the difference?


First off, there are many ways in which CBD and CBG are similar. They are structurally very similar, but they are not the same molecule. Both cannabinoids are non-psychoactive. Many users of both cannabinoids report the effects to feel identical when you take them, but the differences in their molecular makeup mean that the way that CBG interacts with your body is quite different from CBD, under the surface.

CB1 & CB2 Receptors

When you take CBD, it works by binding directly to your CB1 and CB2 receptors, which are found throughout the body but mainly in the brain and gut. CBG, however, doesn’t bind to these receptors, and instead its effects are caused by indirect interaction with the receptors.

CBG Becomes Other Cannabinoids

CBG is the easiest cannabinoid to get CBGa from. CBGa has been called the “stem cell” of cannabinoids because it can convert to THC, CBD or CBC through an enzymatic process. Once CBGa becomes CBG, however, it becomes stable and can’t convert again.

Knowledge Level

CBD was first discovered in 1942, and since then has seen a huge revival in interest due to its unique ability to treat certain epilaptic conditions. We know most things there are to know about CBD by now.

It wasn’t until 1964 that CBG was discovered, and even then it was only one among a list of 100+ cannabinoids found in hashish. CBG hasn’t been seriously studied for its medical properties until the last 5 years.

CBG is Harder to Get

It takes a lot of plant material to isolate CBG. Most hemp strains have 1% or less of CBG, while there are many strains that now contain up to 20% CBD. That means you mean 20 times as much hemp to get the same amount of CBG as CBD.

CBG has Different Effects

We have all heard about the many benefits of CBD. Many people already take it regularly to relieve anxiety, improve sleep, reduce pain, slow cancer cells and more. CBG has many of these benefits, too, but it’s also being studied for some unique benefits that CBD doesn’t, such as its ability to fight bacterial infections, improve glaucoma, prevent muscle contractions, and stimulate appetite. The effects of CBG are interestingly concentrated in peripheral areas of the body as opposed to CBD which demonstrates most of its effects in the central nervous system.

CBD and CBG are different enough that there has also been shown to be entourage effect benefits from using both as part of your supplement regimen.

Contact us to find a supplier of our CBD and CBG products near you or to ask about remote ordering!

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